Roll of Honour for Covid-19 Club Champions
Throughout shutdown we have heard of exceptional people in every club who have provided leadership who have given help and support to members. They’ve run Zoom sessions, set challenges, organised fund raising, negotiated with councils and pool operators and tried to ensure that their club has a place to train and call home.
We have heard of some of the extraordinary work that has been done by coaches, parents and swimmers during every shut down and we want to give clubs the opportunity to recognise everyone in their club who has gone above and beyond to help make sure there was a vibrant club to return to.
Our special certificate of thanks has been created for clubs to download and present to their Covid-19 Club Champions. Clubs can also add names to our Covid-19 Club Champions Roll of Honour that will be published on the website and included in our Annual Report.
Download a certificate of thanks that you can personalise.
Useful notes for printing the certificate:
- The font is preset.
- Print 100% size on A4.
- Ignore any margin cropping warnings the printer alerts to, as that’s Word / PDF identifying the template in the background.
- The file can be completed and then saved as a PDF for people who wish to email the completed certificates.
We have run three Covid Lead Workshops during July, please find below a copy of the slides and the additional risk assessment notes.
Risk Assessment Notes Covid Lead Workshops
Please find below some examples shared by clubs;