Diving Officials
Swim England Diving Judge 1 – Expression of Interest – via Zoom –
- 3rd March
- 2nd June
- 22nd September
- 1st December
Swim England Diving Judge 2 – Expression of Interest – TBC Pre requisite: Completion of J1, recommended candidate is active as J1 for 2 years OR judged at 8 club/regional events and assessed as competent before undertaking J2. Unless competed International for British Diving and has completed the RPE form. Must have judged at Swim England National Skills event or deemed to be capable of judging at this level.
Swim England Diving Recorder – Expression of Interest – 15th February 2025 at the Plymouth Armada Cop. This course is designed for aspiring club/regional recorders wanting to learn more about how to set up, run and manage an event using Dive Recorder, who may wish to progress to recording at national events.
SEEDS programme
The SEEDS programme is now meeting, and some areas exceeded the programmes mission to grow and improve diving in the Region. Its success, in part, is due to its ability to allow flexibility in its delivery through discussion with the clubs involved to identify areas where support is needed.
The camps aim beyond just the young elite divers who have been identified through National Talent schemes. It aims to nurture diving in all ages to allow all those involved to support their competitive journey has had proven success with many who would not have been supported early in their diving through other programmes as they may not have been involved with Talent Identification. Through creative and flexible planning of the SEEDS development days, divers remain engaged in the programme and in the sport even through the more challenging teenage years.
Through interaction with parents the SEEDS programme has offered education in nutrition, psychology and support for divers and assisted with SwimMark club accreditation as well as training Team Manager and judges.
ACE programme
The ACE programme focusses more on the development of coaches. Most months we hold development camps that also involve coach meetings to review and develop the delivery of the camps. All athletes are encouraged to contribute to the development programmes.
The success of the development programmes has been built on mutual respect and understanding allowing for the shared resourcing of coaching and chaperoning at British and International Events. This is a particular benefit to smaller clubs who might find it difficult to attend events with small numbers of divers or be inexperienced at larger or international events.
The ACE Network Training Needs Identification programme also help to make the development of coaches more economically viable for clubs.