There are a number of National organisations that support swimming:
Throughout our site you will find links to external websites. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant. Swim England South East Region cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
Penthalon GB The Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon comprises the contemporary sports of pistol shooting, fencing, swimming, horse riding and running. The sport was introduced at the 1912 Olympics
Triathlon England is one of three Home Nationbodies for Triathlon in Britain.
Funding 4 Sport was established in February 2008 and already takes one of the leading positions in funding within the sports and community deveopment industry.
Sport England is committed to helping people and communities across the country create sporting habits for life. This means investing in organisations and projects that will get more people playing sport and creating opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport.
Club Matters is a service provided by Sport England.
UK Coaching are UK’s technical agency for coaching, established as a charity more than 30 years ago to promote for the public benefit the education of sports coaches, youth and community sports leaders, physical education teachers and other people engaged in the teaching and encouragement of sporting skills
County Sport Partnerships are useful organisations where you can find help with course and local funding and build relationships with other sporting organisations in your area.
Berkshire – Get Berkshire Active
Buckinghamshire – LEAP Getting more people active for life