
If you are looking for your nearest Swim England affiliated club or your nearest Pool please visit Swim England’s Poolfinder tool.

Club Matters is Sport England’s one stop shop for sports clubs. Club Matters provides free, convenient, practical resources to help develop and run sustainable clubs

Please click here for more information on how to obtain your Clubmark ID number.



ukad-logoThe UK Anti-Doping website provides wide ranging information about Anti Doping strategies including warning about the use of supplements. Following their advice could save a lot of disappointment in the future.

Safeguarding children

Wavepower is the Swim England’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures manual and replaces all previous ASA Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures documents. All Swim England affiliated clubs should adopt and implement Wavepower.

VAT and Tax Guidance For Clubs

Swim England has created a range of useful documents to help clubs deal with issues of VAT and taxation. On this page you can find tax guidance and advice for clubs.

Coaching and Teaching Policy for Clubs

It is vital for the future of our sport that participants are confident in the quality of activities offered by Swim England affiliated organisations. It is also very important that clubs, administrators, coaches and teachers have the peace of mind that they are covered by appropriate insurance.

Swim England have put together the Coaching and Teaching policy for Clubs which covers Swim England’s expectations of clubs in relation to the level of coaching and teaching in all disciplines in the club environment. This is also the standard that is required by Swim England’s insurers in relation to a club’s liability insurance.

Club links

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 08.53.42Swim England have a created a library of approved documents to support clubs, volunteers and athletes with Health & Safety advice, risk assessment and best practice. You can access the library through this link.


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