Swim England South East runs Championships at regional level and relies on sub regions and clubs to provide the next layers of competition. Swimmers competing at the Swim England South East Championships can post times to qualify for National events.
The Regional Swimming Group advises the Regional Management Board on swimming matters and organises regional swimming competitions.
Swim England South East also has a Coaches Forum that has been set up to give advice and assistance to promote the development and improvement of swimming and swimming competitions in the region.
The region has established a licensing panel to scrutinise all license applications and post meet reports. This means that applications that do not adhere to the published guidelines will be identified and clubs asked to take remedial action before a license or a future license will be granted. Find more information about meet licensing.
FINA Rules
Changes to FINA Rules that were agreed at a Special Congress in Doha. These changes have been implemented by British Swimming with effect from 1st January 2015. Fina Rules Update – Dec 2014