We are looking to build our workforce for the upcoming South East Para-Swimming Regional Training in November.
Para-Swimming Regional Training is the next step for Athletes following club swimming aiming to create a supportive and an accessible opportunity for all Para athletes within the South East Region.
Para-Swimming Regional training provides a great opportunity for Continuing Professional Development for coaches and the support team to upskill and enhance their knowledge of Para-Swimming.
We are looking for a range of people who will support the delivery of 3 x Para-Swimming Regional Training sessions (3-4 hours long) per season (November, March, May) led by the Region and supported by Swim England Para-Swimming Talent Team.
- Lead Coach (Para Swimming Regional Lead Coach Role Description 2021-2022)
- Skills Coach (Para Swimming Regional Skills Coach Role Description 2021-2022)
- Development Coach (Para Swimming Regional Development Coach Role Description 2021 - 2022)
- Team Manager (Para Swimming Regional Team Manager Role Description 2021 - 2022)
To apply for any of the above roles please complete the application form above and return it to Ben McDonald (Ben.McDonald@southeastswimming.org) by Monday 13th September.
Coaches and Team managers selected will be informed by Monday 20th September.
Any coaches that would be interested in attend Para-Swimming Regional Training day in a learning and development capacity please let Ben McDonald (Ben.McDonald@southeastswimming.org) know to be added to the contact list. You are not required to complete an application form.