On March 18th the region's junior water polo coaches and management team have decided that this session will be for the younger boys and girls in the region. We envisage running a match based tournament which can be attended by the 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 boys and girls. Because we see this very much as a development session, the only exception to this will be those born in 2009 who played in the inter region competitions held in Walsall at the end of last year.
We are hoping that this session will attract younger players to come and join the regional program and we would encourage anyone to attend who has the basic water polo skill set (including swimming) and wants to progress.
If you have any questions please email your South East Region coaches or Email – WaterPolo@southeastswimming.org.
Splashpoint, Worthing, BN11 2EN
March 18th 2023. Registration 19.00-19.15, Session time 19.30-21.30
The cost will be £5 and registration and payment should be made on the form below;