Regional Coaches conferences 2018
In conjunction with Swim England Talent the Region hosted a coaches conference on Sunday 10th June at Leatherhead LC. The presentations can be found below;
Regional Planning Final presentation
Coach Workshop/ Conference presentations 2017
The first workshop of the year covered land training, this was delivered by Diane Elliot,England programmes and Aaron Wiles, S&C coach. Resources are available here; SC for age group swimmers
The county conference was hosted by the region on Saturday 4th March, this was led by England Programmes and designed for coaches to be involved in the county 11 year old camps. The resources can be found here;
Regional Coaches Conference 2016
On Sunday 27th November we ran a swimming coaches conference, in conjunction with England Programmes and Sports Coach UK at Leatherhead LC. The feedback was excellent, a copy of the presentations from the conference are below.
Regional Conference Presentation Nov 2016
Regional Swimming Coach Development Workshops
On the 11th and 12th June 2016 workshops took place at Strood Sports Centre and Queen Anne’s School, Caversham.
Greg Buck, Head Coach from City of Milton Keynes delivered a classroom based workshop on planning and Josh Williamson, Guildford City ran a pool session on backstroke technique and backstroke starts. Both were very well received. Greg’s presentation notes can be found below.
The practical Implications of session planning and set construction
On the 27th/28th February and 5th/6th March over 120 swimming coaches attended one of the four workshops delivered across the region. Venues included Oxford, Crawley, Winchester and Ashford. Local swimmers also benefitted from some additional coaching. Speakers included, Dr Julie Johnston, Amanda Booth, Ian Turner and England Programmes Officer, Lindsay Dunn. The Winchester workshop also included Synchro coaches, during the afternoon they received a choreography workshop from Biz Price.
Presentations from the theory workshops can be found below;
- Coaching Swimmers to think not sink – coach version (Dr Julie Johnston)
- Managing Relationships with Those who matter – coach version (Dr Julie Johnston)
- Ians Powerpoint Ian Turner Introduction
- Periodisation (Ian Turner)
- THE WEEKLY PLAN (Ian Turner)
- Mobility and Stability for Streamlining (Lindsay Dunn)
- Ashford School 050316 (Lindsay Dunn)
- Synchro presentation (Biz Price)
Workshop Presentations
Pleases find below presentations from previous swimming coach workshop;
Race Process Presentation (Swim England South East Swimming Coaching Conference 2015)
Test Monitor (Swim England South East Swimming Coaching Conference 2015)
Stroke Rate Stroke Count In The DTE Without Video (Swim England South East Swimming Coaching conference 2015)
Coaching Behaviours workshop – Lindsay Dunn 2015
Off the Blocks