If you are as regular pool swimmer with a partner who doesn’t swim at present you could be just the person to take part in a serious academic study involving 25 regular pool swimmers.
To be a candidate you should expect to have been swimming at least twice a week between 1 June 2016 and 1st December 2016. The study will take place over the winter 2016/17
Participation will last 13 weeks and would involve completing a short questionnaire each Monday morning about your health and activity the previous week. This would take about 10 minutes and you would have the choice of completing it online or on paper. Every 30 days you will also be asked to complete a slightly longer questionnaire about your general health. All your answers will be confidential and anonymised generic online pharmacy .
If you are interested in learning more about the study, please contact Naomi Collier on 07711 548991 or at naomi.collier@port.ac.uk. It will then be up to you to decide whether you would like to participate.