South East Region has more Swim21 accredited Clubs, Networks and Performance Clubs than any other Region.
The Region now has 101 Swim21 accredited clubs, that makes us the first region to reach 100 clubs. We also have eight Swim21 Networks covering all the disciplines and three performance clubs - Guildford (swimming) Rushmoor Royals (Synchro) and Southampton Diving (Diving).
Each Swim21 accredited club can apply for training bursaries to help them deliver the very best coaching and teaching to their members.
Swim21 provides national recognition that clubs are providing a quality service for all members, which is recognised by Sport England i.e. all clubs gaining ASA accreditation will automatically receive Clubmark status. Clubmark is widely recognised by potential funders, schools and other partners that can assist with club growth and development.
In the South East Region we have a dedicated team able to help you and your club achieve Swim21 accreditation as well as helping you make the most of the benefits and outcomes of Swim21 status.