Swim England has published its comprehensive Return to Pools Guidanceahead of the Government easing the current lockdown measures.
Seven detailed documents have been created and are based on the latest scientific advice and Government guidelines.
The guidance includes robust recommendations for clubs, community swimming, school swimming, swimming lessons, users and specific details for the return to competitive training and matches for water polo.
The Government has issued guidance for “Providers of grassroots sport and gym/leisure facilities”. Providers of aquatic activity should review this alongside the Swim England guidance below.
Click or tap below to download the returning to pools guidance for clubs, community swimming, operators, swimming lessons, and pool users.
If you require any of the guidance in another format, e.g large print, then please contact us at guidance@swimming.org and we will be happy to provide it.
Returning to Pools Supporting Documents
- Guidance for Clubs (4)
- Water polo return to team sport guidance (2)
- Guidance for Community Swimming (2)
- Guidance for Operators (6)
- Guidance for School Swimming (2)
- Guidance for Swimming Lessons (3)
- Guidance for Users (6)