All licensed officials are invited to offer to officiate at the South East Region Winter Championships (25m) to be held at Winchester Sport and Leisure Park on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November2023; there will be two sessions per day.
Expenses will be paid to all officials and lunch will be provided for those attending both a morning and afternoon session on the same day.
Apply to officiate
Applications will be handled via the Swim-Meet website; the button below will take you to the to the application page. Alternatively, use this link and go to ‘Officials’ sign-up’ and then choose ‘further ahead’ and then choose ‘South East Region Winter Champs’. Once you have submitted your availability, the system will send you an email confirming what you have entered. Please consider that email to be confirmation that you are required for those sessions; no further emails will be sent until closer to the event. Once we have sufficient officials for a session, it will be closed off and no further officials will be able to select it.
Should you need to check your sessions, you can go back in and request a reminder to be sent. If you amend any of the sessions you have already volunteered for, you will need to re-enter all the sessions you are volunteering for; you should be able to re-select a closed session if you had selected it before it was closed off.
There may be limited opportunities for mentoring. For J2 trainees and above, they will not be offered mentoring unless they offer to officiate at the other session on the day.
Dress code
Following the recent decisions by Swim England regarding the dress code for national events, the Region will be considering its dress code from 2024 onwards. As an interim measure for these championships, to avoid officials undue expense and short term bother, the dress code for these championships will be:
- White polo shirts (as provided by the Region, although you are asked to bring one of your own in case of a shortage of your size);
- White or black trousers or skirts. Three quarter length trousers are acceptable; shorts and short skirts are discouraged;
- Belts, if required, should be the same colour as the trousers or skirt;
- White or black closed toe shoes; flip-flops are not considered safe for officiating.