Coaches are encouraged to sign up to the off the blocks site to access up to date resources
Archive of resources
The region has hosted a wide range of coach workshops and resources can be found below.
Planning and periodising psychological training- Hannah Stoyel
Planning and Periodising psychological training
Incorportating OADF into the Club Programme- led by Kevin Brooks (not recorded)
Incorporating the OADF into a Club Programme (Wycombe District)
Coaching Female Swimmers – Led by Amanda Booth and Paul Lloyd
Coaching Female Swimmers Final
Why is there a lack of distance swimmers? – Led by Dan Cross and David Vine
Why is there a lack of distance swimmer in GB 5
Physiological Training Models – part 1 – Led by Lee Spindlow
Physiological Training Models P1
Physiological Training Models – part 2 – Led by Lee Spindlow
Physiological Training Models P2
Anaerobic Training part 1 and 2 – Paul Lloyd