Development Group

The Development Group has been established to promote the development of swimming within the South East Region.

Membership of the Group is:

NameSub RegionClub
Jenny Gray (Chair)Berks & South BucksReading Royals Artistic SC
Sara Todd (Chair)Berks & South BucksReading SC
George AdamsonHampshireCity of Southampton SC
Rosa GallopBerks & South BucksBracknell & Wokingham SC
Mike LambertHampshireBasingstoke SC
Brian DeValSussexBrighton Dolphins
Roger PriorBerks & South Bucks Slough Dolphin SC
Kristie JarrettSwim England South East
Acting Regional Manager
Kate Hutchinson Swim England South East Regional Club Development Officer

You can find the terms of reference for the Development Group here.

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