What is the South East Region Distance Meet Support Scheme?
In order to encourage clubs to run Distance Meets and reduce some of the financial burden, Swim England South East has made some funding available towards the cost of pool hire.
What is the aim?
The aim of supporting these meets is to:
- Encourage swimmers to enter and compete in distance events
- Provide qualification opportunities for National Events
- Provide pool events for Open Water swimmers during the winter
- Provide meets at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 across the Region and spread through the year, taking into account the swimming calendar with County, Regional and National Competitions
What are the criteria?
- The Organising club must have SwimMark Accreditation.
- Meets must be licensed at Level 1, Level 2 or at Level 3.
- The meet must have 800m and 1500m freestyle events and may have 400m freestyle and individual medley events.
- There must be qualifying/fastest times for each age group that approximately reflect National Times
- Meets that swim more events (e.g. 50m, 100m, 200m) will be considered if they run distance events in separate session(s). The funding will be for the distance session(s) only.
- It is expected that the Distance Meets will take place over one or two sessions.
- Funding must be applied for ahead of the meet.
How much is the funding?
Up to £300 per session for one or two sessions long course
Up to £200 per session for one or two sessions short course
If sessions are less than 3 hours then these maximum amounts will be reduced proportionally.
How to apply for funding?
The meet promoter completes the online application form below and sends it with a copy of the Promoters Conditions. (Applications for licensing should be made separately through the normal route). Clubs will be notified of funding within one month.